Post 2: Why did you choose your career / study programm


Hi, this is my second post,

When I was a child, I played videogames and football with my friends. We played every day. When we were kids, we had fun. I was a loot dream jobs when I was a child, I was only happy with my friends and play other day, but as a kid I wanted to be a pokemon master or professional soccer player.

When I looked my options for the education, I had two moments. First, I looked  a lot of options and I didn´t know what to study because  I never thought I would live for so long time- yes it sounds bad but in my mind it was normal for me-.

Second, I remember I liked history in the school  and I studied things associated to the studies of people and I thought studying social science and I decided for sociology because I was not like an Anthropology and Psychology- It important mark, I did not known other "social science".

My experience at university until now is very strange. Sometimes, I love this, in other moments I hate this. The teachers are specular and awesome, but I don´t like classes online, even if it saves time to travel. I get stressed very easily


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