
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

Post N°4: My favorite Festivity

  Hello, everyone it is my fourth post. I don´t have a favorite festivity, I don´t like celebrations and noise much, but I love relaxing and sleeping. My favorite festivity is Dieciocho de Septiembre, it is a celebration  to conmemorate  creation of the first national board, it is celebrated on  September  18 th , Dieciocho de Septiembre is celebrated for three or six days and nights. It starts on the  September  17th, but every year it starts and finishes on a different day.  The origin of this festivity is when the king of Spain was captured for Napoleon and People of Chile  organized  a first national board, the national board was to  replace  a  captured  king  and they continued the terms of king Since I said I don´t like the celebrations, but I love to watch my family happy, but this year my family wasn´t happy due too the coronavirus. In normal years we eat together and go to my relatives and we spend with them a hold day. On this festivity ordinaria people  go to &quo